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​Office Services



  • Comprehensive naturopathic medical evaluation/treatment

  • Lifestyle medicine

  • Menstrual/menopausal hormone therapy. 

  • Low dose estrogen therapy for pelvic/bladder issues. 

  • Botanical/nutrient therapies 

  • Therapeutic diets (inc FODMAP)

  • Physical exams



  • Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT).

  • Dietary support: Plant-based/Vegan (including Portfolio diet), FODMAP, celiac, Mediterranean. 

  • Botanical/nutrient medicines. 

  • Trauma-informed care 

  • 2SLGBTQ+ friendly

  • Culturally sensitive and competent care



  • Lifelabs blood/urine tests

  • Hormone lab tests  

  • Pap/GYN exams

  • Rapid strep testing

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Discovery Consult

15 minutes - Complimentary

Not sure if we can help with your particular health concern(s)? Are you curious about Dr. Marianne's approach?


We offer free 15 minute in person, phone or video visits  to discuss how we work is a good fit for your needs.


You can email or use the links below to set one up. 

Initial Naturopathic Visits

Comprehensive Naturopathic Evaluation

90 minutes  - $295.00

In this initial evaluation , we discuss your reasons for seeking care, and go over your complete health history, including your medical history, current medications, family history, relationships, stressors, dietary habits, levels of sleep and exercise, and other lifestyle factors. 


We will review recent laboratory testing or imaging, and your current medications, if you have been prescribed them. Our goal is to obtain a complete a picture as possible. We will also discuss your short and long-term health goals. 


Then, we will create an individualized treatment plan together that may include diagnostic testing, botanical or nutrient therapies, dietary/nutritional planning, exercise recommendations, stress or relationship management strategies or other naturopathic treatments.  


We believe in shared informed decision making, and starting with simple strategies you can implement right away. 

Image by Brooke Lark

Follow up Sessions

Follow Up Visit

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Regular follow up

30 minutes - $130.00

A focused follow up appointment will help us evaluate your response to treatments after our initial assessment, whether it's a change in medication or natural regimen, monitoring progress of a new diet or lifestyle program. We may also review test or imaging results or troubleshoot ongoing challenges with therapy or adherence to therapies.


Our experience is that many straightforward health issues can be resolved in two to three focused follow up sessions.

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